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Investment decisions are at the subscriber’s own responsibility!

This material has been prepared for the purpose of providing information to those who are interested in mining and purchasing XP coins. This material is not a prospectus or proposal document of any kind, and is not intended to attract securities or investments. Additionally, we specify that the XP coins specified in this material are not securities.

Please note that much of the information contained in this material contains forecasts or projections and has not been reviewed or approved by regulatory authorities. Accordingly, it should be noted that no issues can be raised regarding the contents of this material, and nolegal action will be taken. Therefore, no one can make any contract, binding or legal promise related to the sale or purchase of coins based on this material.

In addition, reproduction and distribution of materials using the contents of this material is not permitted for any purpose.
We are not liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other loss arising from the use of this material
Meanwhile, we make it clear that this material is a description, interpretation, outlook, and prediction based on publicly shared data and is unrelated to FOB Labs or the Xphere Foundation, the subject of the Xphere and XP coin projects, and does not represent the official opinion of FOB Labs or the Xphere Foundation. Additionally, the distributor of this material makes no representations, warranties or obligations of any kind to any entity or person and assumes no liability there for.

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